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The Department of Linguistics has a number of faculty members who are actively involved in experimental research  Undergraduate students play an active and central role in our linguistics labs as Research Assistants (RAs).  If you are interested in becoming an RA in a faculty member's lab, please contact the director of the lab listed below.  We encourage all undergraduate students to apply to be an RA through the Aresty Research Center and interview with us during the spring semester. 

If you are an undergraduate student participating in experiments for course extra credit, please view this tutorial:
 Experiment System Tutorial 


Laboratory for Developmental Language Studies

Owl on branch (The Laboratory for Developmental Language Studies logo)The Laboratory for Developmental Language Studies investigates how children acquire their native language, how children and adults process and represent their language, and how experimental and theoretical research in linguistics are mutually informative. The director is Dr. Kristen Syrett. More information can be found on the Lab's website.


Phonology Laboratory

The Phonology Laboratory houses equipment for high quality audio recording within the lab, including a sound-attenuated booth and portable recording devices.

Comparative and Experimental Syntax Lab

The Comparative and Experimental Syntax Lab theoretically and experimentally explores and compares what constitutes knowledge of language for adult native speakers of various languages, centering principally on Romance and Creole languages, and for second language acquirers. The director is Dr. Viviane Deprez.