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African Anaphora Project: The African Anaphora project, directed by Prof. Ken Safir, aims to collect linguistically rich data on anaphora on a wide array of African Languages. It is supported by a grant from the NSF.

Aresty Research Center: The Aresty Reseach Center offers many research opportunities, assistance and support to students at Rutgers in a variety of fields.

Center for African Studies: The Center for African Studies, of which Prof. Akin Akinlabi is a member of, provides research support for faculty and graduate students working in almost any discipline related to the languages, cultures, politics, and development of the African continent.

Documenting Defaka & Nkoroo: The Defaka & Nkoroo Language Documentation project, co-led by Prof. Akin Akinlabi, seeks to describe, record, and archive the grammar and tradititions of Defaka and Nkoroo, two endangered languages spoken in the Niger delta region of Southern Nigeria.

Handbook of Phonology: The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology, edited by Prof. Paul de Lacy, is a rich volume that contains 25 articles on research in phonological theory, the study of the mental representation and computation of speech sounds. The website accompanying the book contains a full-text search, references in a variety of formats, reading lists, additional documents and audio, and a variety of other resources which supplement the text in the book.

Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science: Established in the early 80's, RuCCS has become a vibrant center for research in cognitive science, fostering interdisciplinary communication and collaboration across the fields of linguistics, philosophy, psychology, computer science, biomedical engineering, and UMDNJ. The center hosts a regular colloquium series, sponsors a certificate in cognitive science for graduate students, offers undergraduate- and graduate-level courses, and hosts a number of events addressing issues in cognitive science.

Rutgers Language Institute: The Rutgers Language Institute provides services such as conversation practice to students learning languages and support to teaching assistants in foreign languages. Languages covered include Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Korean, and Swahili, just to name a few.

Rutgers Optimality Archive: The Rutgers Optimality Archive is a distribution point for research in Optimality Theory and its conceptual affiliates. Posting in ROA is open to all who wish to disseminate their work in OT and related theories of grammar. 


Facilities for Graduate Students: Graduate students have access to a wide range of research and computing resources at Rutgers. Many graduate students are affiliated with labs in the department, which offer opportunities for independent research, collaboration, and data analysis. In addition to these, the Linguistics Department provides students with a meeting space, a small computer lab, a special collection library, and wireless internet access.